• Movement & Expressive Art

    At Flowing Hearts, we invite movement, art, writing, and a somatic sensibility. We cultivate a space for full creative expression, inquiry, discovery and ultimately transformation.


    Our work at Flowing Hearts is based on the legendary work of the Tamalpa Institute founded by Anna Halprin and Daria Halprin. As a mover, dancer, artist, instructor and Tamalpa graduate, I facilitate workshops, classes and individual sessions to empower others through movement and the arts.


    As we navigate dramatic change in the world and in our communities, our connection to our bodies, hearts, and inner selves is more important than ever.


    It's through the body and the arts that we can bring a sense of playfulness, creativity, connection and healing to ourselves and the people around us.


    As an eternal student of dance and the arts, this work has transformed me in profound yet light hearted ways. It has created openings for inspiration and insight. It has rooted me yet allowed me to fly higher and expand further.


    I share this process because it works. It's real. And it's transformative.


    I share this work from my heart to yours.

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